
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

{Waiting on Wednesday} #35 Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

This week I'm waiting on.....

Another Little Piece
Author: Kate Karyus Quinn
Release Date: June 11, 2013
by, HarperTeen
A reckless wish taken from the darkest desires of the heart…  
A bloody razor engraved with the names of the girls who turned to dust…  
An endless cycle that feeds of loneliness and craves destruction…  Together, these pieces form a twisted puzzle that Annaliese Rose Gordon has to solve. Trapped in a body that isn’t hers—with no memory of how she got there—she must unlock the secrets of her past in order to escape the horrors of her future. {Goodreads}

  One, the cover. I absolutely adore it. the color scheme, the catch line, the title font..the girl and her adorable outfit!! Ya, I love this cover. Anyways.. I am soo digging this synopsis too! Its so creepy and twisted...It definitely seems like it will send you for loops! OOOO...Horrors of the future!? CREEP STATUS!! And the bloody razor, the darjest desires, girls turning to dust, a body that isn't hers, no memories.....AHH!! I am sooo excited for it! I mean look! Read! I am in need for this 2013 read for sure! <3 I little creepy for Halloween...not too much but just enough ;D

What about you?
   What are you waiting on this week?
       Leave your links in the comments!
   Have a great Wednesday/week!!

P.s.....Have you seen my Blogoversary Shazam!? Enter to win some awesome prizes and enjoy all the fun I rounded up! Giveaway Ends 11/9/12. What about my interview with Anne Greenwood Brown, author of Lies Beneath? There is also an awesome prize up for grabs there! Ends 11/4/12. Also, check out my review of Dante's Girl here! <3

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{Review} Dante's Girl by Courtney Cole

Dante's Girl
Series: The Paradise Diaries #1
Author: Courtney Cole
Release Date: June 24, 2012
by, Lakehouse Press
Source: Netgalley
Format: ebook
Pages: 356
I have spent every summer since I was ten years old with my father in London. Every summer, since I was ten years old, has been uneventful and boring.
Until this year.
And this year, after a freak volcanic eruption strands me far from home, I have learned these things:
1. I can make do with one outfit for three days before I buy new clothes.
2. If I hear the phrase, “You’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto,” even one more time, I might become a homicidal maniac.
3. I am horribly and embarrassingly allergic to jellyfish.
4. I am in love with Dante Giliberti, who just happens to be the beautiful, sophisticated son of the Prime Minister of a Mediterranean paradise.
5. See number four above. Because it brings with it a whole slew of problems and I’ve learned something from every one of them.
Let’s start with the fact that Dante’s world is five light-years away from mine. He goes to black-tie functions and knows the Prime Minister of England on a first name basis. I was born and raised on a farm in Kansas and wear cut-off jeans paired with cowboy boots. See the difference?
But hearts don’t care about differences. Hearts want what they want. And mine just wants to be Dante’s girl.
My heart just might be crazy. {Goodreads}
  I was so excited to read this book and uber excited when I was approved to receive it on Netgalley! Love in a foreign city? Yes please! Those are like my favorite. Cliche? Maybe but...who the hell cares? It's a cliche everyone loves!

  The book starts out in the airport while Reece is traveling to see her father. Not something she is too thrilled about but..its a vacation right? Then she (yes literally) runs into uber hot, adorable Dante! Oops! This guy is a replica of a Greek god...both in my eyes and in Reece's. They say their apologies and part ways *sigh* but wait! They are on the same plane! *chu ching!!* But the great...has a change for the worst and a terrible disaster strikes having Dante dragged off the plane and Dante dragging Reece with him. First, uhmmm creepy! you don't even know the dude! But..he is hot and not giving her much choice so she goes and ends up stuck in a place she knew nothing about with the Prime Minister and his son..aka..Dante Giliberti.

  This book was adorably cute. It was funny and it was sweet. I loved Mia and Gavin they were the best of the book. I liked Reece. She was quirky and innocent and somewhat realistic. I have to say...some of her quirky sayings got annoying. I was kind of done with the "sweet baby monkeys" but at the same time I came to realize it was just her. We all have our dumb sayings and that's what makes But still, a bit annoying at times. I loved Dante but...he was too perfect. There weren't many flaws to him and the ones that were brought forward made him look only dumb and whiny. Put Reece and Dante together and....I wasn't quite feeling their love. I don't know what it was but something was just lacking which made me not feel the realness. Again too fiction. I felt like there was a pixie dust cloud/haze surrounding them.

  Now don't get me wrong, they were adorable. They had their relationship struggles and that helped them out in the "real" factor. The best books put enough real and enough fiction to where you have your toes curling, your cheeks blushing, and your heart fluttering. I just was sadly not feeling it. I was feeling the end though. That...that was possibly the cutest thing in the entire book!! AHH! I can go fan girl on the last 10 or so pages. A-DOR-A-BLE!!! I also felt bad about it too though. I mean, hello! What about her best friend? Was anyone thinking about her!? But, I still loved it! Cutest thing in the book! ^-^ I loved the setting and the culture. I didn't particularly like the amount of "American" jabs. I get there are going to be lots when you go out of the country but in this book...a bit too many? I just felt they were better left out.

  I am super excited for book 2 in the series (Mia's Heart). I loved her! She was so awesome. Her and Gavin were the two stable things in the book that were realistic. They were real and I loved them guy with a sense of humor and a dash of cockiness? I don't know why but those are what make me drawn to the guys...Humor...the guy has got to make me laugh. Not always serious you know? But also not able to be serious. Mia has a hard life and she puts up with it by wearing black and covering up but deep down she is true to her heart and self. I am SO excited to see what is brought to the table in her book! Hopefully it will be better than Dante. It will be an even balance of real and fiction. She will get deeper with Gavin and...its gonna be nice getting to know Quinn finally! ;D

  Altogether again...Dante's Girl is an adorable read. It makes you giggle like a little school girl and laugh from all the corny humor. A perfect book to read snuggled up on the coach basking in the sun like a cat (since it is no longer summer...but you can imagine! ;D) If you are looking for a quick, cute read, this book is for you! I don't ever for a second regret reading it. I liked it. I really did. I just merely didn't love it. I hope you enjoy it more than I did when you get the chance.

3 of 5 wonderful stars!

Thanks for stopping by! 
Hope you have a great day!! :D

Friday, October 26, 2012

{Book Tour} Annabelle's Story Book Tour: Promotional

Annabelle's Story by Leigh Michael
Annabelle Walsh thought she had it all. She was the star of her swim team, had a loving family, a great boyfriend, and to top it off, she’d be starting at UCLA in the fall. One day, she’d be referred to as Dr. Annabelle Walsh.
She was living every girl’s dream – until her life was turned upside down. All starting with finding out that she's not just a human, but also a water spirit. Half-human, half-sprite to be exact. Although not just any sprite, Annabelle is prophesied to be the only one who can save both the sprites and mankind.
With a mix of current events, anecdotes from Greek mythology, tidbits of folklore, and Leigh’s own imagination, we join Annabelle in her journey to restore order beneath the sea. Each step of the way her mind, body, and soul are pushed to the limit begging the question, how much can one half-human, half-sprite take? 
"I enjoyed the under water world Michael's has created. The descriptions were vivid and the characters likable."
Excerpt from Annabelle's Story
It was odd; people have always said that your life flashed before your eyes when you die. But mine didn’t. All I thought about was a story I’d heard as a lifeguard — from a guy who drowned and was brought back to life through CPR.
He said after a few minutes he gradually sunk. It was because little by little all the air had left his lungs. He felt his lungs aching to be replenished, making his heart quicken.
Then the only thing left for him to do was inhale. He had no choice, his body instinctively breathed. It didn’t matter that he was under water. But after he did, the water burned his throat as it went down, it filled his lungs, and then he died.
Right on cue, my body forced me to inhale.
"Take a dive into this first novel by Leigh will be enchanted."
Buy Annabelle's Story
Sprite can be purchased at: Amazon Barnes & Noble
Kin can be purchased at: Amazon Barnes & Noble
About Leigh
Leigh Michael is an author of YA fiction. She's worked within the advertising world for nearly a decade before writing her debut series, Annabelle's Story. Leigh lives in Washington, DC with her husband and goldendoodle. Be sure to stop by her site on October 31st for a special Trick or Treat surprise.

{Book Tour} Annabelle's Story Book Tour: Guest Post

Hey Guys! Today I am here with an awesome tour post for the Annabelle's Story Book Tour! As part of my stop on the tour I am here to present Leigh's Indie ABC's! Its two parts so keep your eyes out for post #2 with a promotional spotlight!! :) 

Annabelle Walsh thought she had it all. She was the star of her swim team, had a loving family, a great boyfriend, and to top it off, she’d be starting at UCLA in the fall. One day, she’d be referred to as Dr. Annabelle Walsh.
She was living every girl’s dream – until her life was turned upside down. All starting with finding out that she's not just a human, but also a water spirit. Half-human, half-sprite to be exact. Although not just any sprite, Annabelle is prophesied to be the only one who can save both the sprites and mankind.
With a mix of current events, anecdotes from Greek mythology, tidbits of folklore, and Leigh’s own imagination, we join Annabelle in her journey to restore order beneath the sea. Each step of the way her mind, body, and soul are pushed to the limit begging the question, how much can one half-human, half-sprite take?

Leigh’s Indie ABCs
When I released Sprite (Annabelle’s Story Part One) in April, I knew very little about the writing industry. Over the past 6 months, I’ve acted as a sponge for information. It’s been an amazing, gut-checking, rewarding, and humbling experience. Along the way, I’ve picked up a few tricks of the trade that I’d love to share with you all. Below is part three in what I’ve learned thus far in self-publishing my first series, Annabelle’s Story. Part one was posted on Flying on Silver Wings on October 1. Part two was posted on Little Library Muse on October 17.

Query writing — In a nutshell, it’s tough. I keep a running list of tips I’ve come across. One of which is “Showing, not telling”. I also attended a webinar on Writer’s Digest titled “How to Hook an Agent or Editor With Your Query”. Most importantly, follow the guidelines set by each agent.

Read, read, read — I saw somewhere that even authors should read a book a week. It provides great insight into other writing styles, new ideas, and so forth. I’ve been trying to follow this rule of thumb to broaden my horizons (it’s hard, though).

Setting-up Google alerts — It’s a great service that allows you to track content online. Simple, too. Just enter a phrase (I used “Leigh Michael” as one) and select a frequency. Once content appears on the web that matches your phrase, you’ll be alerted via email. Who knows what others could be saying about you out there.

Ten-Thousand Hour Rule — There’s this great book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. He says, “The key to success in any field is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing a specific task for a total of around 10,000 hours.” I’m well on my way toward reaching this goal.

Understanding the big picture — Sometimes this can get tricky. A blog for aspiring authors believes “we've got to train ourselves to stay in the now so that we can be most effective. The now is what leads us, step by step, to the big picture. And if we stay focused, we'll get there with less angst.” Great advice, don’t you think?

Verisimilitude — I read on another blog, “If you fail at [verisimilitude], you fail as a writer. You want your readers to believe every word you are saying. You don’t want a reader to read your work, roll their eyes, and deem it impractical.” As a writer, this is something I find quite important and I hope to improve upon.

Workshops and Conferences — I’ve attended a few workshops but I haven’t gone to a conference yet. I know I want to though. From what I hear it’s an amazing experiences. Definitely on my to-do list for the coming year, along with joining my local SCBWI chapter.

Xenodochy — Which means... acting kindly to strangers. Simply, “you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” This industry can be brutal. It’s important to swallow your pride and treat everyone with respect (especially after receiving a poor review).

YA vs NA — While learning as much as I can about YA, I stumbled upon a genre called NA (New Adult). It’s geared to early 20 somethings and is quoted as “bridging the gap between young adult and adult fiction.” Sounds interesting to me. What does everyone else think?

Zillions — This is the amount of copies I aspire to sell of Annabelle’s Story. Okay, perhaps this is setting my sights a little too high. On average, most independent authors don’t reach more than $500 in sales a year. Perhaps you could help me out with that.

Thank you for reading part three of my A through Z of industry learnings. Be sure to check out part one on Flying on Silver Wings from October 1 and part two on Little Library Muse from October 17.

So what’s next for me? I’ve thrown myself into a new series. This one is a historical fiction that I’m pretty thrilled about. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll pursue the traditional route or follow the same indie path. Who knows, there could be a “Leigh’s Bestseller ABCs” post one day. One can only hope!

headshot.jpgAlso, don’t forget to stop by Leigh Michael Books on October 31st for a 
special Trick or Treat surprise!

Leigh Michael is an author of YA fiction. She's worked within the advertising world for nearly a decade before writing her debut series, Annabelle's Story. Leigh lives in Washington, DC with her husband and goldendoodle. Please learn more about Leigh and her works at

Thursday, October 25, 2012

{Follow Friday} #35

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

~This Week's Features:
Carmen Jenner
The Y. A. Bookworm Blogger 

~This Week's Question:

What writing device or trick most irritates you when reading a book? For example, if an author employs an omnipotent narrator that is sometimes considered bad form.

~My Answer:
Hmmm....I don't really know how to answer this for I don't completely understand the question but....I will say some of the things I don't like authors to do is over-do the vocabulary and metaphors.
Bigger words are helpful in books. It gives a more vibrant word that helps you understand the situation and emotions showing through at that time. It helps give you a better understanding and I don't mind making a trip to the dictionary every now and then but when I can barely understand what going on because of all the crazy elite words...thats a major no-no in my book. Authors don't need to look smart...too smart. Its not a contest. Yes, its literature but don't over do it.
As for the metaphors...another thing for further understanding and coloring the pages for expression and mood setting but...again....too much is too much. One example would have to be Maggie Stiefvater's Wolves of Mercy Falls...She had both. Not too much with the vocab but the metaphors...omg yes!! I'ts probably the main reason why I didn't enjoy it and left the series be and afraid to read anything else from her. The over-the-top moment for that first book was when she was comparing the character to a leaking womb. Uhmmm gross! Too far! There is a happy-medium for these two subjects.
This is what gets me up on my soap box. It is the biggest pet peeve I have with writing lol

What about you? 
Leave your links below! :)
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!! 

P.s....Did you see my Waiting on Wednesday pick this week here? What about my interview with Jolene B Perry, author of Knee Deep? Check it out and enter to win a paperback copy of Knee Deep or 1 ebook copy of any released book of hers here!! Then!! Check out my Blogoversary Shazam!! Come and celebrate 1 full year of blogging with me and join the winning festivities!! Giveaways Ends 11/9/12 PLUS! Another interview and giveaway with Anne Greenwood Brown, author of Lies Beneath. An audio book of Lies Beneath and a book ispired soap are up for grabs! Enter now! Ends 11/4/12.

Monthly Cover Beauties: October 2012 Edition

It's the last Thursday of October!!
Seriously? Already!!? This month flew by way too quickly! Like really..I have no clue where October went but here we the end! Crazy! O.o Anyways! Lots of great releases this week and lots of releases means...lots of beautiful book covers to drool over! So, without further a are my favorite covers released in October!

Author: Fiona Paul
Release Date: October 30, 2012
by, Philomel
Cassandra Caravello is one of Renaissance Venice’s lucky elite: with elegant gowns, sparkling jewels, her own lady’s maid, and a wealthy fiancé, she has everything a girl could desire. Yet ever since her parents’ death, Cassandra has felt trapped, alone in a city of water, where the dark and labyrinthine canals whisper of escape.
When Cass stumbles upon a murdered woman—practically in her own backyard—she’s drawn into a dangerous world of courtesans, killers, and secret societies. Soon, she finds herself falling for Falco, a mysterious artist with a mischievous grin... and a spectacular skill for trouble. Can Cassandra find the murderer, before he finds her? And will she stay true to her fiancé, or succumb to her uncontrollable feelings for Falco?
Beauty, love, romance, and mystery weave together in a stunning novel that’s as seductive and surprising as the city of Venice itself. {Goodreads}
Gahhh! I am in love with the Renaissance age. Serious;y. Anyone who truly knows me can tell you. It is my obsession...and I would totally love to get more into it but for right now I just know of its elegence. So naturally if I love the Renaissance for its style and elegence...this cover speaks to me right? Right. The mask, font, smoke, catchy line "Beauty can be deadly". this cover has me drooling. And to be honest...I never read the synopsis till now. I knew (based off the cover..its kind of a given) it was set in the Renaissance age, and everyone was loving it but that's it. Now, I know I need this book.

Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Series: Hush, Hush #4
Release Date: October 23, 2012
by, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Nora is more certain than ever that she is in love with Patch. Fallen angel or no, he is the one for her. Her heritage and destiny may mean they are fated to be enemies, but there is no turning her back on him. Now Nora and Patch must gather their strength to face one last, perilous trial. Old enemies return, new enemies are made, and a friend's ultimate betrayal threatens the peace Patch and Nora so desperately want. The battle lines are drawn—but which sides are they on? And in the end, are there some obstacles even love can't conquer? {Goodreads}
NOOO!! Oh goodness. I am SO not ready for this series to end!! It is one of my most favorite angel/fallen angel books of all times! And the sad news (other than its ending)...I can't even by it till next month...the END of next month!! Why? I have been restricted..until I read half of the books I have bought I am not allowed to buy anymore. :( What a crucial time right!? I have all sorts of books to buy! Sequels, debuts!! Grrrr....anyways...along with its amazing story these books have had some of the most beautiful covers ever. And the coolest part? They are all in black, red and white. I love it! It's like its signature trade mark! Gorgeous final cover! Its absolutely stunning!

The Ruins of Lace
Author: Iris Anthony
Release Date: October 2, 2012
by, Sourcebooks Landmark
Lace is a thing like hope. It is beauty; it is grace. It was never meant to destroy so many lives .
The mad passion for forbidden lace has infiltrated France, pulling soldier and courtier alike into its web. For those who want the best, Flemish lace is the only choice, an exquisite perfection of thread and air. For those who want something they don’t have, Flemish lace can buy almost anything––or anyone.
For Lisette, lace begins her downfall, and the only way to atone for her sins is to outwit the noble who now demands the impossible. To fail means certain destruction. But for Katharina, lace is her salvation. It is who she is; it is what she does. If she cannot make this stunning tempest of threads, a dreaded fate awaits.
The most lucrative contraband in Europe, with its intricate patterns and ephemeral hope, threatens to cost them everything. Lace may be the deliverance for which they all pray...or it may bring the ruin and imprisonment they all fear. {Goodreads}
This one is more simple but I find I really like it. The lady and her dress, the broken mirror, the lace withering on the side....its elegant. This is an adult book and I have yet to read any adult books yet but I think I may just start with this one. It is interesting and again, the France setting with the touch of the Renaissance background feel. I really like history and historical fiction is like a breath of fresh air at times. I don't like to read it all the time but when I do its refreshing! 

The Lost Prince
Author: Julie Kagawa
Release Date: October 23, 2012
by, HarlequinTeen
Don’t look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.
That is Ethan Chase’s unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he’d dare to fall for.
Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister’s world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myth and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.
This novel is one of Julie’s books that will have you demanding for the second one as soon as you finish your read. {Goodreads}
First of Julies books that has you demanding the 2nd as soon as you finish the 1st? Uhmmm aren't all of them like that?? Ya, that's what I though! Anyways!!! AHHHHHH!!!! This is like one of my most anticipated books of the year guys!! Look. at. that. cover! O.o Ya, I fainted too. Ethan isn't too little now is he? I kinda have to admit...I think its weird thinking baby Ethan is hot...ya he grew up but...I always knew him as baby Ethan ya know? Well, I guess with Julie writing it...I may just change my mind who knows! DUDES!! I am SO freaking excited!! I can't wait to see what goes down and who goes down in this book, the new characters, old character ALL! Cover talk: woah!!! The Iron Fey covers never seize to amaze me! They are all so beautiful and damn...he is one fine specimen...just sayin! 
But can't buy it! Remember!? You aren't allowed. Now what kind of Julie fan would I be first of all to not want this book? And what Iron Fey fan would I be if I didn't beg and plead and break my rule just to get this book? Ya, I wouldn't be a fanatic would I? No. That is why they say there is an exception to every rule and friends...this is my exception. One book! One book is all I'm allowed to have and I choose you! ;) (put a winky face in the comments if you know where that is from). (Well, two...the Iron Legends and this one..ya both by Julie and both part of the Iron Fey.)

SO! What did you think!? Tell me your favorite below!
Hope you have an amazing rest of your October!
<3 Jaiden

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

{Waiting on Wednesday} #34 Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

This week I'm waiting on.....

Ashes on the Waves
Author: Mary Lindsey
Release Date: June 27, 2013
by, Philomel/Penguin
Liam MacGregor is cursed. Haunted by the wails of fantastical Bean Sidhes and labeled a demon by the villagers of Dòchas, Liam has accepted that things will never get better for him—until a wealthy heiress named Annabel Leighton arrives on the island and Liam’s fate is changed forever.
With Anna, Liam finally finds the happiness he has always been denied; but, the violent, mythical Otherworlders, who inhabit the island and the sea around it, have other plans. They make a wager on the couple’s love, testing its strength through a series of cruel obstacles. But the tragedies draw Liam and Anna even closer. Frustrated, the creatures put the couple through one last trial—and this time it’s not only their love that’s in danger of being destroyed.
Based on Edgar Allan Poe’s chilling poem Annabel Lee, Mary Lindsey creates a frighteningly beautiful gothic novel that glorifies the power of true love. {Goodreads}
 I am a fan of Mary Lindsey. After reading her book Shattered Souls I knew I had to read anything and everything she wrote after that. She just has a way with making her writing flow beautifully and totally entrancing you throughout the book. Ashes on the Waves sounds soooo good! She does have a way with haunting novels doesn't she? All her books have this elegance with the haunting/creepy touch and I love it! Wagers on love? Love meant to be doomed? Yes please! And this cover! LOVE!! SO excited!!

What about you?
   What are you waiting on this week?
       Leave your links in the comments!
   Have a great Wednesday/week!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

{Interview & Giveaway} Anne Greenwood Brown, author of Lies Beneath

Hey guys! So today the special guest of honor on the blog is Anne Greenwood Brown!!! :D
She is the author of the chilling, romantic mertail recently released this past summer.
Stick around for an awesome interview and a fantastic giveaway at the end!
Shall we begin?....

The Author:

Find her at:
Anne Greenwood Brown writes YA fiction from an upstairs room on a quiet cul-de-sac in Minnesota. She likes lattes and stinky cheese. But not at the same time.


The Interview:
  • There are a lot of vampire, werewolf, angel, and dystopian books flying around now. What made you choose mermaid lore? I really didn't consciously "choose" to write about mermaids. I had a dream about Calder White, and I got up in the middle of the night and started writing. Before then, I hadn't given mermaids much thought, so it was a big surprise to me. At the time, I thought I was the only one writing about mermaids and then all of a sudden--BAM!--it's the "summer of the mermaid????" What has been most intriguing to me is how vastly different each mermaid book is from the next. There definitely isn't one standard creature on which we're all basing our characters.
  •  I heard that you like romance movies..(which woman doesnt pshh!). Which is your favorite classic, new release, and all time favorite? I love Pride & Prejudice (the Keira Knightley one), that final scene when Mr. Darcy is walking toward her in that loose white shirt, with the sun just starting to rise, and the fog coming off the meadow . . . . *sigh*
  •  Speaking of romance...Calder and Lily don't quite hit it off in that department off the bat...Lily plays a bit of hard to get/not-so-into you. But when they do BA-BAM! Fireworks! How did you keep their romance original? Well, there does tend to be a lot of "insta-love" in YA, and I wanted Calder and Lily to develop a bit more naturally--or as naturally as a human girl and a paranormal creature can develop as a couple. That's a good thing, I think, but the slow burn does require some patience on the part of the reader. It's definitely a trade off! In fact, just between you and me, Lily's not so sure how she feels about Calder. Sure, he's hot and all, but Lily's interests run a bit deeper than that. Book 2 (Deep Betrayal) is told from Lily's point of view, so you'll get to know Lily better and watch her work through her feelings for Calder.
  •  Did you need to do any research before writing Lies Beneath to get more in touch with the mermaid legends? I did a little research into all the different mermaid legends around the world. I was amazed to find that just about every culture has a mermaid story. It makes the whole thing so much more believable! For example, in China, mermaids are said to smell like happiness. I turned that around and made my mermaids crave happiness--which they absorb from their unsuspecting human prey.
  •  Pavati has her own history with human lovers. Will we get to see more into that story in the next book? Yes, a bit! But even more so in Book 3 (Dark Descent).
  •  Lies Beneath is in Calder's POV and book two, Deep Betrayal, is set to be in Lily's. What was it like transitioning from these two characters? Why did you decide to change? Ugh! So hard! After being in Calder's head for so long, it was really, really difficult to switch to Lily. I cried a lot about it, actually. Then after a while I settled in, and I was able to get writing again. I switched POVs because I like writing in first person, but there are some severe limitations to it. Lily does some strange things in Lies Beneath, and without being in her head it's difficult for the reader to completely understand what got her to that point. By switching points of view, you get to understand her better. Dark Descent alternates every other chapter from Calder's POV to Lily's.
  •  Can you give us a one sentence "newspaper headline" sneak peak into what we can expect from Deep Betrayal? Hmmmmm…. How about: JACK PETTIT "OUTS" THE MERMAIDS
The Book(s):
Lies Beneath 
Series: Lies  Beneath
~My Review~
Release Date: June 12, 2012
by, Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Buy at: ~Amazon~B&N~
Calder White lives in the cold, clear waters of Lake Superior, the only brother in a family of murderous mermaids. To survive, Calder and his sisters prey on humans and absorb their positive energy. Usually, they select their victims at random, but this time around, the underwater clan chooses its target for a reason: revenge. They want to kill Jason Hancock, the man they blame for their mother's death.
It's going to take a concerted effort to lure the aquaphobic Hancock onto the water. Calder's job is to gain Hancock's trust by getting close to his family. Relying on his irresistible good looks and charm, Calder sets out to seduce Hancock's daughter Lily. Easy enough, but Calder screws everything up by falling in love--just as Lily starts to suspect there's more to the monster-in-the-lake legends than she ever imagined, and just as the mermaids threaten to take matters into their own hands, forcing Calder to choose between them and the girl he loves.
One thing's for sure: whatever Calder decides, the outcome won't be pretty. {Goodreads}
 Coming Soon:
Deep Betrayal (Lies Beneath #2)
The Giveaway:

YAY! Super fun giveaway thanks to Anne!
Ready?? Here's the....
~Audio-book of Lies Beneath
and (so cool)
patchouli/orange (Calder/Lily) scented soap!

But before we get to the rafflecopter here are some....
 You must be 13 years or older.
Please refrain from leaving any personal information in the comments section
There will be winner(chosen by Rafflecopter).
Each winner will have 72 hours to reply to the email/tweet. If not, a new winner will be chosen
This is an International giveaway!
Giveaway ends November 5.
Have fun!!! <3

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck you guys!
Thanks for stopping by!! :D
Have a great day/week!

Friday, October 19, 2012



I know!!! Crazy right!? Girls on Y-A Books has been around a full year already!!? I can hardly believe it! It seems just like yesterday I was getting my blog started, changing the design several times (haha), posting my first reviews and running around blindly because I had absolutely no clue what I was doing! But look at me know a pro! Pshh..right! ha! 
This year has been so crazy and absolutely amazing! I had my ups and my downs with the blog. Had to take a break. Over booked myself too many times and stressed over it but! All in all this blogging year was incredible and I would never change anything. The first year of blogging is finding yourself and making a statement for you and your blog, making new bloggy friends to obsess with, meeting amazing authors who become great friends, reading some spectacular books that make your drool, scream, cry, and go crazy over and most importantly..have a blast! 
I constantly joke around about my blog being a full time job but it is true and more truth...if I am going to have a full time job then why the hell shouldn't it be something I enjoy doing? I love it! It is a great experience and opportunity. I jump in joy and throw confetti! Big day today guys! Big prizes...big convos...big things! This is a huge milestone! So sit back and enjoy! :D

Why, when, and how did I start blogging?
  You all probably have a decent idea about this if you read my "About Me" page it some more details...

  Why did I start blogging? Well to be truthfully honest (my "About Me" page doesn't say this)..I got the idea of blogging after my book obsession sparked...right after reading The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. Ya, it all comes back to those books (if you don't know that is my all time favorite series!! I am obsessed and forever will love for these books is too much!). I was soo in love with those books and all I knew after reading them was I needed more...more, more, more! books. I devoured book after book that summer. Then...

  After seeing the exciting news of a fourth and final book coming into the Iron Fey series in Ash's POV...I was stoked! I literally yelled and ran down the stairs to tell my father the good news. little dad heard so much ranting about this series he himself had to see what I was talking about, read them all, and is also a big fan of Julie! Oh, Julie the power you have! ;D ANYWAYS! Then I was reading some posts and comments about the new excitement when I saw that you could receive an early copy of the book..before the book came out! And I was like whhhhaaaattttt!!!? HOW!?

  Blogging. That is how. If you were a book blogger who reviewed books you could get early copies..yes ARCs. So I got cracking! And there along came my blog! Little did I know its not all about free, early books. A bonus yes..but not the reason to blog.

  After I realized you had to be a bit more experienced, I found a new reason to blog. The people. The society. The pure joy and awesomeness of it all! I fell hard for this little hobby and made it into a passion. I now had a place to rant about all the great books and talk books..books...and boys...and books...and boys, boys and more fictional boys! I had no one at my house to do this with. Again my father is a reader but what dad wants to hear their daughter rant about all the hot fictional boys. Can you say awkward? I still do...on tell him of the hot bad boys I fall for..which gives him heart problems but its out of love ;D
I didn't officially start blogging regularly till about August even though I got it in July. Ya, I know what you are thinking..then shouldn't your blogoversary have been in August? Ya...but after stressing myself with all the blog work and school work I took a 2 month break bringing me to October being a fair celebration of 12 months of blogging.

  Oh! The wonders of firsts! It's like your first kiss, your first book, your first step! Its encouraging and wonderful! Here's a few of my blogging "firsts".

   My first review was Divergent by Veronica Oh how funny! xD

   I had been blogging awhile now when I checked my email and babam! emails! Score! And ya..I scored..big time! Because there in my inbox sat a email..from an author! She was asking if I wanted to review her book!? that even a legitimat question? Hell yes I do! So I ran down screaming at my dad that this girl wanted to send me her book for review! Please!! And he WHAT!! o.O He had every right to. I knew nothing about her. To ship something to my address..risky. So I had her send me a PDF if she didn't mind. She didn't. Whippee! My first ever ARC! I was so excited..I read it in like 1 night haha and I loved it! Anyone know who and what I am talking about? No? Yes? Let me just tell you...Taryn Browning and her book Dark Seeker. One of the most sweetest authors I have ever met! And of course she was my first! My first ARC, my first author email, my first author buddy, my first freak out! ;D 

  My first ever author interview was with Chelsea Fine. She is super cool too! And her books I've heard are amazing! Just bought it so can't wait to read it!

  My first meme was Tunes Tuesday (which I don't even participate in anymore).

  My first giveaway was for my 100 followers giveaway.

  My first blog tour was the Secret of the Keepers blog tour... here.

  My first  (btw..this took me FOREVER to find!!!) & first Facebook

  My first tweet ban (too much tweeting..happened 3x in one day!!) July 20..due to over tweeting for #TeamAsh in the Crush Tourney! xb

  I had many blog faces...which I would show..but too many! xD My first re-design I beleive was heart themed with white, pink, and black.

Advice: New Friends, Authors, ARCs, Followers, Time and Blogging to Yourself... 
  Blogging to yourself? What do you mean? Well, for the first part of your blogging you do end up blogging to yourself/no one. Your new. Your blog is brand spanking new. Your first posts will have to be to no one in particular. They are just for the sake of blogging. Its a start. No one starts off acting for millions of people their first acting job. They have no name yet. After several movies/shows/web casts they start getting noticed and get fans bumping up their acting career. That is the same for blogging. You have no need to make one. Even if that means you post 40 posts without anyone seeing it.

  Followers....they will come. Some people that I have seen get more than others during their first year..and that's ok. Xpresso Reads has over 3,000 and we have been blogging the same amount of time...a month longer maybe but that is it. But I can't even complain! I have followers and I am thrilled to have every single one of you as my own muahaha ;D just kidding! hehe Some people get obsessed with the amount of followers or the amount of ARCs but that isn't the point for blogging. They shouldn't even matter...well, to an extent I guess. What I mean to say is that isn't what you should be blogging for or worried about. Followers will come, you have to be patient. Tip: social networks help. Twitter and Facebook and even Pinterest or Formspring will help bring a new way of communication to you and your followers and buddy bloggers. It's hard keeping up with comments. Trust me. Social networks make it easier to let people know of new posts and easier ways of interaction. So..I suggest you look into those!

  Bloggy friends!! These dudes are the best! You can be your wacky, obsessive book nerd and not be judged because NEWS FLASH!! Everyone here is! How could you judge someone just like yourself? These guys are here for you. You can always come to them for advice. Does my header look my blog look big? Is my review too long? too short? grammar fixes? I don't know how many times some of my blogger buddies have let me know that I put the wrong cover or title, author, etc. We are there for each other through thick and thin. We talk the crazy talk and obsess over all those fictional boys all day long! Its awesome! I have never felt like I fit in so much with my book nerdom than I do the blogging community.

  Authors!! I don't know about you but whenever I get followed by an author I do a little jig! To us bloggers its like being followed by someone from Hollywood! And at first I was intimidated! Like...these guys are the big boys! They are the professionals...They are...completely normal! I have met some of the most amazing authors ever! They are so kind and just plain out awesome! Sure...some of them don't follow back all the time or reply to your tweets but that's not because they are snotty...I mean maybe some but who knows! They have got so much going on...sometimes they just don't have time. They are busy bees! They don't have time to follow every single person back, RT your reviews, and reply to your fan obsessed tweets but they do care! These guys are what makes the world go round! They are the geniuses behind the pages! Be nice! Don't be quick to judge! ;D

  Time..oh time! Where do all your minutes go! Being a blogger is tough at have so much going on! Reviews to schedule, interviews, blog tours, the whole shabang! It gets tough! This isn't a easy thing. And the more time you put in, the more followers you have..the more expectations you have that tag along. Plus school or work to juggle at the same time. I'll be terribly honest...its overwhelming sometimes. There are days where I want to scream and just lie in bed..doing...nothing! But thats where it has to be managed..your time that is. You don't ever want to over book yourself. Its ok to say no. Everyone totally understands. There are going to be weeks where you post nothing. Or just your memes. It happens! Its alright. Take a breath...take a for pleasure not because you HAVE to. Yes, blogging can be a job but it is supposed to be a fun job not a job job! It needs to be for your enjoyment. If you aren't having fun your readers won't will just become routine. Keep it fresh! Slow it down!

  So..if you are thinking about it! Its so much fun and a great experience and if you are young like me...BONUS! Looks good on college applications...just saying! ;D Everyone is great so don't be intimidated! Join the party! Need more info? Need more help? Just hit me up and I'll be happy to help! :)

  There are so many amazing people who helped me along this journey and inspired me but I can't name them all. Here are just a few.....

Taryn Browning. She wasn't just my first author email, and ARC you guys. This girl has followed me throughout my whole blogging life. She is there to help me, to give advise, and just there to say hello. I love her! She is truly an amazing person! I'm there for her and she is there for me! <3 If you haven't read her books or talked to her, do so! She is great! Thank you Taryn!!!

Julie Kagawa. I got to give this girl creds where creds are due. She is the main spark to this blog. Because of her books I began a vicious obsession for books and therefore led to blogging. Not only are her books amazing but so is she! She is so cool and a great person! I just about freaked when she tweeted me for the first time and then followed me on Twitter! To me that is the equivalent to Selena Gomez, Betty White, Taylor Swift (whoever your most obsessed Hollywood star is ) following you. Julie is like a hero to me and that made my day! So..thank you for being awesome and creating amazing books! ;D

Rockee. You may know her as RockeeMusikReads, the bomb ;D, and my blogging sister. Guys, she is truly like a sister to me! She is my sista from another mista! ;D Rockee has been there for me always as well. We can talk about school, life, bloody noses (don't ask), boys, the list goes on! She is so sweet and so kind and hilarious! We can go without talking and pick up right where we left off. She is normally the one to tell me that my headers are misspelled, my book titles are wrong, and all those other embarrassing things that go on here. Oh what would I do without you! I love this chica soo much! She even sends me birthday presents yo! Thank you for everything! If you haven't checked out her so now!

Brooke. Yes, Brooke as in Brooke Reports. EEP! She just has to be one of my most favorite bloggers. Her whole personality is brought to everything she does on her blog. You can totally tell she is just plain out awesome through her reviews. Her blog is so quirky and her personality totally just shines through. And all that you get an idea true! Brooke is the first blog I came across to and she was my biggest inspiration! I emailed her when I first began asking about any advice she had...not really expecting a response I mean she was pretty big time to me! But she did and she was totally cool! She gave me advice and even was one of my first followers! Brooke is one of the biggest inspirations I have for blogging! 

Giselle. Yes, Xpresso Reads! She is also a huge inspiration of mine! I am constantly stalking her blog! I love it! She is super cool and her blog is just plain out amazing! She'll all your questions on formspring haha.

Vivian & Eileen. These girls are pretty awesome too. They are so sweet and super adorable! I love chatting with Eileen on Twitter. She has a cute and adorable blog called Singing and Reading in the Rain. Its all bubble gum pink, girly, and cheary...just like her! Vivian is just as sweet and both of these girls stuck with me for almost 24 hours straight tweeting our little fingers off for Ash in the Crush Tourney. He even bowed in honor of us and thanked us! *swoon* Remember that girls? Like...the highlight of my life! ;D
Vivian(T)(B). Eileen(T)(B)

......If you weren't named it doesn't mean I don't love ya! Everyone here my followers, supporters, everyone is trully amazing so THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! MAJOR LOVE!! <3
The Giveaways:
You can win one of these following 2012 released books that blew my mind! 2012 was a great year for debuts and book releases all together! Why not share the love? ;D It is international as long as the Book Depository delivers free shipping to your home. Don't know? Check here.

Everneath (Everneath, #1)Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)EasySweet Evil (The Sweet Trilogy, #1)The Forsaken (The Forsaken, #1)The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1)Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)
A Kindle consisting of the 1st book of my all time favorite series and 1 consisting of one I want to read but haven't gotten around to...
~The Fey:
The Iron King (The Iron Fey, #1)Need (Need, #1)
~The Angels:
UnearthlyA Need So Beautiful (A Need So Beautiful, #1)
~The Dystopians:
Delirium (Delirium, #1)Eve (Eve, #1)
Thanks to one of my "firsts" AKA..Taryn Browning!! You can also win this amazing package!! :D (US ONLY!...)
She is giving away....
1 signed copy of Dark Seeker
1 ebook copy of Emanare & Whispering Hills
and bookmarks!!! Maybe even a bonus surprise?
All of that...for one lucky winner! Dudes...thats just awesome!
So recap?
How many giveaways?
How many winners?
What are the prizes?
Winners choice of either one of my favorite 2012 release or one Kindle package.
Taryn Browning prize pack spectacular.
How long does it last?
Giveaway ends 11/9/12
Is the giveaway(s) INT?Yes, the first one at least. Your choice of Kindle package or favorite 2012 pick is.
Taryn Browning package is US only!
Terms and conditions?
Must be 13 years or older
I am not responsible for any lost or damaged packages
Each winner will have 72 hours to reply. If not a new winner will be chosen.
Do not reveal any personal information in the comments section
The Blogoversary Button:
This might just get you extra points for the giveaway so..grab it and post it on your blog!

The Rafflecopter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Good luck! And thank you thank you THANK YOU!! You are all so amazing and I am so blessed to have you all as my followers! This blogging year has been truly amazing and so much fun! I hope you enjoyed this year as much as I did! 
Good luck!
<3 Jaiden