
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday(20)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

This Week I'm waiting on........

Pizza, Love and Other Stuff that Made Me Famous
Author: Kathryn Williams
Release Date: August 21, 2012
Can a spot on a teen reality show really lead to a scholarship at an elite cooking school AND a summer romance?

Sixteen-year-old Sophie Nicolaides was practically raised in the kitchen of her family’s Italian-Greek restaurant, Taverna Ristorante. When her best friend, Alex, tries to convince her to audition for a new reality show, Teen Test Kitchen, Sophie is reluctant. But the prize includes a full scholarship to one of America's finest culinary schools and a summer in Napa, California, not to mention fame.

Once on-set, Sophie immediately finds herself in the thick of the drama—including a secret burn book, cutthroat celebrity judges, and a very cute French chef. Sophie must figure out a way to survive all the heat and still stay true to herself. A terrific YA offering--fresh, fun, and sprinkled with romance. {Goodreads}

Doesn't that seem super cute? Idk but I am DYING to read this book like bad!....really REALLY BAD!! Like...I-want-it-now-and-if-you-don't-give-it-to-me-I-will kill-bad!! Too much? Too crazy? Nah I didn't think so haha What about you? Do you have a I-will-kill-for book? Leave your link in my comments and I'll be sure to check it out!! :)


  1. I've seen this one around and it sounds awesome. I can't wait to read it either. The cover is super cute too.

    Ange @ the Moonlight Reader
    My WoW

    1. Doesn't it? Again I don't know why but I'm really REALLY antsy about getting this one haha It is cute hah?

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. This really does sound like a fun read. I've also been seeing it around lately. Gonna have to check out! Thanks!

    Jenna @ Making the Grade

    1. Ya it's pretty popular already! Your welcome! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. hahaha Yes, cute and fun, for sure! :-)

    Here's my Wow: Colorimetry

  4. A fun choice, enjoy!

  5. Oh, this sounds so cool! I love the idea of this book - it'll be really fun. :) Must check this one out!

    - Please visit my latest post & if you haven’t already, enter my International Giveaway!

    1. Right? I'm uber excited! Thanks for stopping by!! :)

  6. I'm back!! To TAG you!! Hop over to my site to see the game if you'd like to play along!

  7. Oh I cannot wait for this either! it was one of my choices the month before , but right now the one book I'd sell my kindey for is Such a rush...

    My WoW post this week

    1. Awesome! It sounds familiar but I will definitely have to take a second look if it's "sell-my-kidney-for" kinda material haha Thanks for stopping by! :)

  8. Wow the cover is beautiful and the premise is original, i'm curious to see how it all comes together. Good choice here's mine--

    1. Thanks! Good choice of yours too! :) I hope it comes together lol! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  9. looks like a good teen read; just glad it doesn't have vampires in it LOL
