
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday(21)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

This week I'm waiting on.......

Where it Began by Ann Redisch Stampler
Release Date: March 6, 2012
Sometimes the end is just the beginning.

Gabby lived under the radar until her makeover. Way under. But when she started her senior year as a blonder, better-dressed version of herself, she struck gold: Billy Nash believed she was a the flawless girl she was pretending to be. The next eight months with Billy were bliss...Until the night Gabby woke up on the ground next to the remains of his BMW without a single memory of how she got there.

And Billy's nowhere to be found.

All Gabby wants is to make everything perfect again. But getting her life back isn't difficult, it's impossible. Because nothing is the same, and Gabby's beginning to realize she's missed more than a few danger signs along the way.

It's time for Gabby to face the truth, even if it means everything changes.

Especially if it means everything changes. {Goodreads}
Ooooo.....mystery!! I seriously can't wait for this doesn't even mention romance...just a torn (again here's the word) mysterious one! I want to uncover the mystery between the pages don't you!? EEP! :D

What are YOU waiting on this week? Leave your link in my comments and I will be sure to check it out! (No promises on comments cus of only allows me a quick visit but I promise I still stop by!) Have a great Wednesday! <3


  1. I've seen this book around a bit this week in the bloggersphere. It sounds really interesting and mysterious.

    My WoW

  2. Oh, you are right it does sound really good! I hope you enjoy it.
    My WOW pick:

  3. WOW! Okay, I might have to add this one to my humongous wishlist and I'm blaming you, ha! :) Thanks for sharing though, it sounds like a wonderful and mysterious read!

    My WoW

    Books, Biscuits, and Tea

  4. I hadn't heard of this one, but it sounds interesting. I may have to pick it up!

    Here's my WoW
